July Newsletter
Leading by Doing, Supporting our Nation's Heroes
July 29th
Wow, summer is going by fast! Check out some upcoming opportunities to get involved with veteran nonprofits this summer before it's too late!
Dog Tag Community Thrives
Dog Tag's Annual Community Thrive Campaign
Dog Tag needs your help! They are participating in the USA TODAY Network's "A Community Thrives"grant competition. They will be competing with other organizations for more than $500,000 worth of grant funding.
In order to be eligible, they must raise at least $6,000 by August 12th!!! Help them crush their goal!
Soldiers' Angels Food Drive
Are you in Orlando on August 19th? The Semper Capital Management Orlando Team will be sponsoring and volunteering at the Soldier's Angels Food Distribution in Orlando!
If you're interested in volunteering please reach out to me for more details: rgregoire@truenorth4heroes.com
Stay In Step Gala
Stay In Step is still looking for sponsors for their upcoming Gala on September 17th! You do NOT want to miss this event, one of the best fundraising Gala you will ever attend.
Are you interested in going to Tampa Bay? Check out their ticket/sponsorship options below!
What We've Been Up To
Romy and Gaby got a new house!
Thanks to the Gary Sinise Foundation, Romy and Gaby Camargo received a specially adapted smart house to help Romy in his everyday life this last week! We are very excited for them! Congratulations!
True North
The mission of True North, to make a positive contribution to the veteran community and inspire our peers to prioritize charitable actions, is more important than ever. The COVID-19 crisis has caused widespread uncertainty and stress, and for our nation's heroes recovering from physical injuries, seeking treatment for PTS, seeking meaningful employment, or simply providing for their families, this pandemic has exacerbated the challenges they already face. Physical distancing and social isolation have increased the need for support, and we remain committed to the partnerships that embody our True North.
As part of our mission, we strive to connect veterans and their families with the support they need. If you, or someone you know, seeks resources to help navigate the challenges of veteran transition, please let us know here.
Partnerships That Make A Difference
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Know of someone who would be interested in learning more about True North and/or our partners? Send them this newsletter and have them click on this link to sign up for monthly updates!
True North Foundation, 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10017, 646-652-9390
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